Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Well, things are moving right along.  My father just got out of ICU yesterday, still having some issue with the kidney's and the regulation of his heart beat goes off sometimes.  But they're moving him to the rehabilitation center tomorrow...yay!

My cold is attempting to keep it's claws buried in my head, but I'm winning.  I just haven't had a cold like this in years...and it's really taken it's toll on me.  In the meantime I'm working on the second book and plan to finish up the illustrations this weekend.

Here's a preview of the almost finished painting of Annabel and Pips, standing on his Aeroquatic, The Lizzie Belle.

Enjoy, xox juner

PS. I want to thank everyone for their well wishes and personal always you guys pull through when you're needed the most.

There's a smudge on my lens that I can't seem to get rid of
and it's right in the middle of her pretty pink shirt, drat!

Annabel is known for her red cowboy boots, these have a thick rubber sole.  Photos of the finished piece soon
and the whole picture of the Aeroquatic
 to be revealed as well...just wait, it's all coming!

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Janis late 60's

Janis  late 60's